Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC ) Result 2019 publish Today. Bangladesh Daily Newspaper Daily Star publish this exam result publish date. As a result, Bangladesh most popular education website publish JDC Result 2019 publish notice here. So if you want to check your result can be here. We also will be published JDC Result 2019 Marke sheet by this post.
Dear Junior Dakhil Certificate examiner you are worried your result when will be published your JDC Exam Result 2019. Now, this is Common question of Bangladesh (JDC) Junior Dakhil Certificate examiner. Normally, every year Bangladesh government JDC Result was published 10.00 A.m. but those can,t check your result online or mobile message. Every year the JDC Test Result was published online after 1.00 P.m. hope this year JDC Result will publish same time. Not only Junior Dakhil Certificate (jdc) results from 2019 but also JSC Result 2019 will be published those days.
JDC Result 2019
Who wants to check his/her result can be checked here. We given all information of JDC Exam Result 2019 here. We given all information of about JSC and JDC Test result 2019 download link. Now the main question of how to check my JDC Exam Result 2019. Dear students you know JDC Result check is so easy now this time. Now can be download all education result by Online and offline both way. We have given here both method for check result.
JDC Exam Result 2019 Publish Date
Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) and Primary Education Completion (PEC) and its equivalent Ebtedayee examinations will be published on December 31th December 2019 You can check your result here.
How to check JDC Result 2019 Online
If you want to check JDC Result 2019 Online you can easily check this result here. For this, you must need a Computer or a smartphone. After that go to your mobile or pc connect internet. Now open a search browser as like Google Chrome, Opera Mini. Now flow the rule which given below.
First visit: www.educationboardresults.gov.bd
Which Result you need JDC tab.
After Stape Select Which Year result from you need / Result year tab.
Then the Select Madrasha Board tab.
Gave your JDC Exam Roll Number.
Carefully fill up this Captcha
After given all information Click Submit Button and get your JSC Result.
You can also check JDC and JSC Result 2019 By mobile Message.
SMS System for:
JDC Exam Result 2019: JDC<space> Board Name<space> Roll Number<space>Passing year and send to 16222
JDC Exam Result 2019: JDC <SPACE> MAD <SPACE> ROLL NUMBER<Space> Passing Year SEND T0 16222.
SMS System for:
JSC Exam Result 2019: JSC <SPACE> DHA <SPACE> ROLL NUMBER <SPACE> Passing Year> Send TO 16222 .
The JSC and JDC examinations were held between November 1 to November 15 . A total of with participation of the 26,70,333 examinees educational institutions appeared in this year’s examinations. Bangladesh all education board JSC and JDC result will be published here.